2019 working version v.1.16.39-PeptideShaker.tar.gz installer

0 appréciations

Main category - Education
Sub category - Science
Developer - CompOmics
Filesize - 113357
Title - PeptideShaker
◆ PeptideShaker-1.16.39.TAR.GZ

FEATURE IMPROVEMENT: It is now possible to open zipped PeptideShaker projects. BUG FIX: Fixed a bug in the gene name comparison as part of the protein inference grouping where gene names of length 1-2 resulted in issues. FEATURE IMPROVEMENT: Improved the way the max m/z value is set in the FindDialog. BUG FIX: Fixed a bug in the validation of matches with uncommon distributions of decoys. PeptideShaker is a search engine independent platform for interpretation of proteomics identification results from multiple search engines, currently supporting X!Tandem, MS-GF+, MS Amanda, OMSSA, MyriMatch, Comet, Tide, Mascot, Andromeda and mzIdentML. By combining the results from multiple search engines, while re-calculating PTM localization scores and redoing the protein inference, PeptideShaker attempts to give you the best possible understanding of your proteomics data! BUG FIX: Corrected a bug in the protein inference dialog where the protein inference could not be changed.


Featured! version

on 10.11

Results 1 - 1 of 1
computational platform for mass spectrometry-based proteomics, including pFind [9], pNovo [10] and pQuant [11]
NEW FEATURE: The possible coverage is now shown in the protein sequence coverage panel in the Overview tab.
Each PSM has a score or e-value as a PSM score CV term.
BUG FIX: Fixed a bug in the spectrum and plots export to figure feature that included a see through area between the spectrum and the plots.
library for the analysis of mass spectrometry data from large scale proteomics and glycomics experiments
FEATURE IMPROVEMENT: Extended the peptide and PSM reports.

{129226 kbytes} Free 7EBHw version 1.16.43 PeptideShaker 3.16.39 Recomended to High Sierra

{124692 kbytes} Update PEPTIDESHAKER VERS.3.16.39 ZI6 1.18.39 OS X

{97487 kbytes} Download ver. 1.19.39 PeptideShaker kb3C33 1.16.43 Version to MacBook

{94086 kbytes} Download 1.17.39 PeptideShaker zGyQ 3.16.39 Best for 10.13.6

{111089 kbytes} Get PEPTIDESHAKER V 1.16.42 WXTZZ 2.16.39 Updated version

{107689 kbytes} Software V 2.16.39 PEPTIDESHAKER IGX 1.16.40 Updated to 10.12.5

{96353 kbytes} App BbTm PeptideShaker v.1.16.41 1.16.43 New for MacOS

Best for El Captan 1.2.4.MEMORY.PICTURES.RU1QTX.APP [29043 kb]

Updated to MacOS [21196 kb] 3.5.2
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